Over 60M euros for research on more efficient photosynthesis
Added on 13 March 2022
The provisional name of the institute is the Institute for Advanced Studies for Photosynthetic Efficiency (IASPE). A total of 62 million euros will be invested in the new institute over the next decade. P2RF, which was founded by Egbert van der Pol, Menno Witteveen and Maarten Koopman, will contribute 50 million. WUR contributes 12 million, mainly in personnel and the use of laboratories at a reduced fee.
Witteveen: "The world population is expected to increase to 10 billion by the year 2050 and all these mouths must be fed with a planet that currently feeds 7 billion. The FAO has calculated that this can only be achieved through new scientific breakthroughs. One solution could be to grow crops that use sunlight more efficiently. Increasing our knowledge on these processes is, therefore, literally a matter of life and death."
"That is why my partners and I approached WUR, the world-renowned institute in sustainable food security. We are delighted to work with WUR and to get other institutes and organisations involved. From growing in greenhouses to open fields, together we want to contribute to the world food supply through fundamental research".
Why is research on photosynthesis needed
Photosynthesis is the most important biological process in the world. Energy from sunlight transforms water and CO2 from the atmosphere into oxygen and sugars. The plant uses sugars as building blocks to grow and to bear fruit. The efficiency of photosynthesis in field conditions leaves quite a bit to be desired. Plants use an average of only 1 per cent of all the solar energy that reaches the earth, while this could easily be 5 or 6 times more.
"If plants could absorb twice the amount of light, this would already have a huge impact on food production"
Louise O. Fresco
Photo created by DCStudio - www.freepik.com
Source: Ag News
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