The horti sector’s risks and opportunities for success
Added on 21 August 2023
The study three major goals were:
- Enhance the perception of the sector;
- Create useful content for community, government and stakeholder engagement, and;
- Create an industry model to shape public policy, and facilitate justification for government investment.
The study used a Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework to create an “analytical tool that examines the complexities of business, environment and social factors that contribute to the sector’s success as well as the broader well-being of the communities in which the sector operates,” states a press release.
The new framework is designed to address business risk and opportunities in the global market place, while considering public interest around sustainability and food security. It also exemplifies alignment with the growth agenda for both the provincial and federal governments, “outlining shares growth objectives and particularly significant export market opportunities.”
Image by prostooleh on Freepik
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