Target turf beetle larvae with B-Green this autumn

Target turf beetle larvae with B-Green this autumn

As we enter autumn, damage to lawns, golf courses and sports turf caused by chafer grubs - and other soil-dwelling beetle larvae - starts to appear. Help is now at hand with B-Green - an efficient and fast-acting curative biological control.

Grubs of the chafer beetle (Phyllopertha horticola) are typically found just beneath the surface of the turf, feeding on root hairs. This often leads to areas of grass becoming detached from its roots and ultimately dead patches appearing.

100% natural

"Available from Biobest, B-Green contains the microscopic beneficial parasitic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora - a natural enemy of soil-dwelling beetle larvae," explains Ines De Craecker- Biobest product manager for beneficials.

"Once sprayed onto the surface of the lawn, green or turf, these nematodes immediately start looking for the pest larvae in the root layer.

Kill grubs within 1-2 days

"Having located a larva, the nematodes invade through natural orifices and release a symbiotic bacterium - killing the grub within 1-2 days. Simultaneously, once inside the body cavity the nematodes multiply, releasing another generation of infective juveniles into the soil.

Soil temperature important

"To get the best results, you need to optimise nematode activity - which is temperature dependent," explains Ines. "It's therefore best to time applications of B-Green for when the soil temperature is set to remain above 12°C for the subsequent four weeks."

Follow instructions carefully

Before application, packs are best stored in the refrigerator between 2-6°C. To apply, simply following the instructions and suspend in water - paying careful attention to ensure the nematodes are evenly dispersed in the solution. This is then sprayed on to the area to be treated.

Targets other soil-dwelling beetle pests

As well as being effective against garden chafer larvae, B-Green also controls other soil-dwelling beetle pests including black vine weevil larvae (Otiorhynchus sulcatus).

Want to know more? Contact your Biobest advisor for tailored advice.

Source: HortiBiz
