Tips on implementing a fertigation system in greenhouse

Traditional fertilization methods can be challenging for greenhouse growers, especially those in larger commercial operations. They can involve maneuvering heavy bags, using spreaders for distribution, and taking constant measurements by hand.

Standard techniques also make it difficult for growers to supply their crops with a precise amount of fertilizer and nutrients. This can lead to over or under fertilization, which is a common issue that is detrimental to crop growth.

For these reasons, more growers are opting to integrate fertigation systems into their operations. According to a recent GrowSpan blog post, by employing fertigation, growers can streamline the application of water and nutrients to their crops. Overall, this practice allows growers to enhance the quality and quantity of their yields, increasing long-term profits and improving their bottom line.

When growers put this practice into action, they can tackle a variety of issues. One of the most important tasks fertigation eliminates is having to measure each batch of nutrient solution and water by hand. Measuring by hand is time consuming and carries a high risk of error. Once automated, these systems help growers cut down significantly on negative aspects of manual fertilization. This includes factors like time, water and nutrient waste, soil erosion, foliar disease, and variations in soil nutrient concentration.

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Image by senivpetro on Freepik

Source: Greenhouse Grower
