'Today's green fingers will be digitalized'

'Today's green fingers will be digitalized'
Image by Racool_studio on Freepik

GreenTech is shining a spotlight on the transitions happening in the world today. With numerous challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, and the need for more sustainable practices, the current food production systems are being greatly affected. In a series of articles, we will delve into the challenges and opportunities of these transitions in the horticulture industry. In this article we focus on people. To what extent is attracting talent essential for growers, their technologies, and achieving the sustainability goals?

Tomato growers CombiVliet and Agro Care recently announced their merger. It will be the largest merger of tomato growers in the Netherlands, which will continue under the name Agro Care. The two companies were already among the largest and most modern tomato growers in the world, but together the area of the two partners is approaching 500 hectares. This growth also requires sufficient people. “People are without a doubt the most important factor in a company. You can buy a computer, plants, greenhouses, systems, anything you can think of, but people make the difference. If you don't have them, the rest isn't much use either,” says Manager HRM & Communication Martine van der Meer (Agro Care).

According to Van der Meer, the company's growth not only brings challenges, but also benefits when it comes to attracting talent. "Every company wants young people with fresh, innovative ideas. We do too, of course. By growing as a company, you can also offer more opportunities to people. We see that as a larger company, you are more in the picture, and if that’s positive, then that’s a good thing. We try to introduce people to our company through internships. We also have a few hundred students who work for us as a part-time job. A lot of them stay at the company and grow within the organization. It is important to have a good mix between all ages, cultures and types of people. The more diversity, the stronger we are as a company."

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