VertiFarm début a great success

VertiFarm début a great success

'The inaugural VertiFarm - a show focusing on next-level farming and new food systems - was a full-breadth exhibition showcasing a wide variety of products and featuring a content-rich supporting programme and conference programme.

VertiFarm, the international trade show for next-level farming and new food systems, was held at Messe Dortmund between 27 and 29 September 2022. The world's first business and information platform for tomorrow's breeding and cultivation opportunities highlighted products and approaches for addressing global issues such as security of supply, crop failures, food supplements, energy efficiency and urban sustainability.

Dortmund, 5 October 2022 - The very first trade show for next-level farming and new food systems had a great début at Messe Dortmund between 27 and 29 September, with around 70 exhibitors from 17 different countries attending the kick-off show focusing on future cultivation possibilities. The supporting programme was also well received by visitors.

"We're delighted to have been able to create a platform for knowledge, technology, development and networking on this global topic of future importance by holding the first VertiFarm - a show dedicated to next-level farming and new food systems - in one of Germany's key logistics hubs, and we've also been delighted at the large number of participants and the positive feedback from the industry right at this very first event," said Sabine Loos, chief show organiser and Managing Director of Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe which owns and operates the Messe Dortmund venue, before adding: "The overall environment wasn't exactly in our favour, with the global political situation, faltering supply chains, the Covid pandemic and visa problems certainly posing challenges to visitors, to exhibitors and to us as organisers. Against this backdrop, the huge success of this début event makes the future of VertiFarm look very promising."

"Vertical farming is a highly complex topic," added Christine Zimmermann-Lössl, whose organisation - the Association for Vertical Farming (AVF) - is the conceptual partner behind the new show. "This is where technology meets biology, and there are still major challenges associated with that. There's still so much to learn, and a lot of pieces still to be added to the jigsaw puzzle. The multidisciplinary technology alone is very demanding. The value that VertiFarm adds here is to provide an overview of the players in this field and facilitate discussions with the different suppliers across the world." AVF is a world-leading non-profit organisation aiding the sustainable growth and development of the indoor/vertical farming movement by means of in-depth dialogue and partnership-based collaboration.

International trade audience
The comprehensive range of propositions at the new VertiFarm attracted 1,500 participants from the main core target groups and from business sectors such as agriculture, the food sector and the pharmaceuticals industry who came to Dortmund from across Germany and beyond. In fact, over 36% of trade visitors came from abroad, including countries such as the Netherlands, the UK, Italy, France, Denmark, Spain and the Czech Republic, as well as a host of long-haul visitors from North America, Asia, Africa and Australia who came to VertiFarm to gather information, make new contacts and conclude business transactions. Over 82% of trade visitors said they want to come back next year.

Range of propositions from Germany and neighbouring European countries
The mix of exhibitors, including market-leading businesses from Germany, Sweden, the UK, China, the United States, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, Australia and Canada, presented innovations, technologies and systems relating to the cultivation methods of the future. At the world's first trade show of this kind, the trade and everyone with an interest in this topic had the opportunity to come into contact with producers and suppliers and gain a compact overview of new subject matter such as aquaponics and hydroponics.

Top-class supporting programme
A three-day stage programme of educational, partly interactive knowledge modules featuring experts from agriculture, science, industry and start-ups shed light on the future of nutrition and agriculture in transition - from food to pharmaceuticals - in a series of keynote talks and panel discussions.

Complementing the offerings on the VertiFarm stage was the high-content AVF Summit 2022 (27-29 September). The wide range of topics at this annual conference included technology innovations, new food systems, financing change, holistic business models and consumer adoption regarding insects, fungi, cell meats, algae bioreactors, fermentation, AI, robotics and automation. The Retail Day (28 September) - aimed especially at retailers and resellers - featured key topics such as urban development, energy efficiency, sustainability, regionality, ROI, profitability and best practice. It was organised by the retail trade's climate protection campaign in collaboration with the North Rhine Westphalia & Münsterland Retailers' Association. On the third day of the show (29 September), the VertiFarm stage was handed over to students, universities, start-ups and new projects that had the opportunity to present themselves under the banner of Vertical Farming and New Food Systems.

The show's technical partner was the German Agricultural Society (DLG). This international trade organisation for the agriculture, agri-food and food sectors also assisted the supporting programme with technical expertise on innovative agricultural production systems and the transformation of agriculture.

The date for the next VertiFarm has already been set. The next show will take place between 26 and 28 September 2023 - once again at Messe Dortmund, naturally.

All key information, updates and developments concerning the show can be found on LinkedInFacebook and Instagram, on the show's website and via newsletter.


What VertiFarm exhibitors had to say

Horst Theisen, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rhenac GreenTec AG:
"We're surprised to see how much demand there is in the market for flexible applications. As generalists, we want to address farming people and start-ups alike. The interaction at a get-together like VertiFarm is ideal for positioning our brand and promoting it via social media channels."

Max Hollington, Research & Product Manager at Cultivatd:
"VertiFarm is great for networking. Our main interest was in finding start-ups and customers looking to refine their products. We're pleased to have been able to engage with some exciting discussion partners. Apart from the subject-matter focus, we're thrilled with the organisation. There was a great supporting programme and good food. It's easy to forget how much energy this can give an event."

Jörg Trübl, CEO of MABEWO AG:
"We're very happy with the show. Originally, we wanted to present our products at the first show and see if there was a market for our technologies. All kinds of people came to our stand: potential customers, suppliers and authorities - we even conducted several job interviews. We were also able to discuss with the industry where the market is heading. We can see a lot of growth in indoor farming and related energy technology."

Lutz Kaiser, Product Development Engineer at Roko Farming GmbH & Co KG:
"You can feel a groundswell of interest in our products, and we've also had a lot of positive feedback from other exhibitors. We've been surprised to see how many international visitors there are. Trade audiences from different continents are coming together here."

Johann Waldherr, Business Development Manager at Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:
"You can see there's a big trade audience in attendance - everything you need in terms of innovation and technology for vertical farming. Young people in particular have been flocking in, bringing good ideas and perhaps just needing that extra push for their start-ups or manufacturing businesses. That's a big issue for us and for the whole industry right now."

Isabella Moritz, Business Development Manager at elevate:
"As we're currently expanding into Europe, it's extremely interesting for us to get to know the industry and introduce ourselves. Our target audience is retailers and resellers, so it's important for us to see what products are currently on the market and how this open, flexible market is moving."

Robin Vincent, CEO/CINNO at Cannobi AgTech:
"VertiFarm is delivering far more than I expected. For vertical farming to have a long-term future, we need to face various challenges together. How can we make production profitable? How can we adapt our systems to specific conditions? These are issues on which we need to work together. That's where a show like VertiFarm is indispensable."

Callum Farqueher, Global Events Manager at Intelligent Growth Solutions (IGS):
"It's great to see how important vertical farming is to people, and to establish personal contact at last. Here at the venue, you get an impression of what others are doing, and can engage directly with people. VertiFarm is perfect for networking and attracting new customers. So we're already looking forward to next time."

Dagmar Brovot, Head of Marketing at Dexion GmbH:
"The show has exceeded our expectations! As a relative outsider, this is a completely new area of business for us. Especially because we, as a manufacturer of storage systems, have no direct connection to the industry, we've been delighted at the high level of interest shown by trade visitors. I only have good things to say, and naturally we'll be happy to return."

Volker Keuter, Head of Environment & Resource Utilisation at Fraunhofer UMSICHT:
"To use a sporting analogy, this is a home game for us. Unlike many other exhibitors, our background is not in agricultural science, but in technological science. After ten years, we are of course no stranger to the industry, and our product is also well-known. We've succeeded in attracting attention again, not least with the talk we gave. The great interest shown by visitors to our stand is further confirmation of this. VertiFarm has a lot of potential. It's exactly what we've been missing in Germany until now!"

Bart 't Hoen, Area Sales Manager at Hoogendoorn growth management:
"We're surprised at how many visitors have come. We gained new customers, but above all we've been able to engage with people and have learned a lot. The assistance from Messe Dortmund has also been superb."

Bernd Neumann, Technical Sales Engineer at Weiss Technik GmbH:
"At VertiFarm, you can get into conversation with the players in the industry. I've also got to know many interesting companies. Two years ago, the LED world was a completely different place. Keeping up to date is important if you're to maintain your position as a world market leader. We're been thrilled by the show's début, and we've been able to make many new and interesting contacts."

Renko Schuil, Business Developer, Indoor Farming at TTA BV:
"We came here to present our company and establish new contacts. I've been particularly impressed by the high standard of the show. The exhibitors and visitors bring specialist knowledge with them and don't just come as spectators. This all makes for completely different conversations and interesting networks."

Jordi Mol, Business Development Manager at Bever Innovations:
"We didn't really know what to expect. After all, this is the very first VertiFarm. We've been surprised to see how interested the visitors are. Usually people come to the stand and look around. Here, they have come for a reason and have really got into the subject matter."


With VertiFarm, Messe Dortmund is pulling together knowledge, technology, development and networking potential in a city that is one of Germany's key logistics hubs. The show is setting new standards for vertical farming in the presentation of new technologies, complex automation and integrated cultivation methods. Particularly in view of the challenges associated with urban sustainability, VertiFarm offers innovative approaches to distributed production - right there in conurbations. Messe Dortmund is using this show to present solution tactics and topic areas addressing global challenges such as crop failures, food supplements, supply security, energy efficiency and urban sustainability. In addition, VertiFarm also gives the industry a true sales show covering all stages of the vertical farming value chain.

27 - 29 September 2022
26 - 28 September 2023 

Messe Dortmund GmbH 

Association for Vertical Farming (AVF)

1.500 particpants

Round 70 exhibitors from 17 countries


Further information

Source: HortiBiz
