VF solutions company Unfold names new president & CEO

VF solutions company Unfold names new president & CEO

Unfold, a seed and digital solutions company advancing the vertical farming industry to create great tasting, locally produced vegetables through new seed varieties, recently announced Sonia Lo has been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer, and as a member of the company's Board of Directors. She takes over from John Purcell, who will remain with Unfold but who has stepped down from the CEO role to support his family.

Lo is a highly regarded ag-tech executive with more than 20 years of experience and a proven track record of scaling indoor agriculture operations. Most recently, Lo was the CEO of Sensei Ag, Larry Ellison and Dr. David Agus' venture in indoor farming. Prior to Sensei Ag, Lo was CEO of Crop One Holdings, Inc., a vertical farming company that owns FreshBoxFarms in Millis, MA, and a joint venture with Emirates Flight Catering in Dubai; and held various leadership roles including at Google and eZoka, which she co-founded. She is also the founder of Chalsys Impact LLC, an investment vehicle focused on shortening and improving global food supply chains.

"Sonia's wealth of experience and deep understanding of the indoor agriculture industry worldwide paired with her commitment to building and maintaining an inclusive company culture are invaluable as Unfold scales operations and expands its partnerships globally," says Derek Norman, a member of the Unfold Board of Directors.

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Photo Courtesy of Unfold

Source: Greenhouse Grower
