Video: Urbinati potting machines at Lankhaar Nursery

Video: Urbinati potting machines at Lankhaar Nursery

The Urbinati potting machines, which are widely sold worldwide, are getting more popular among Dutch growers.

According to importer Hortimec, that is also very advantageous. Hendrik Mast from Hortimec says "It is possible to have a brand new Urbinati of Italian top quality machine with the same price of a used potting machine from more popular brands," and he continues: "Urbinati potting machine is the best-seller naturally in many regions of the world already. The machines are quiet, excel in safety, have lower substrate loss and can be set completely digitally."

Hortimec recently installed a large Urbanati line at the new Lankhaar Kalanchoé location in Bleiswijk, The Netherlands.

Source: HortiBiz
