Why biologicals are a critical tool in CEA
Added on 08 July 2022
The latest Biological Crop Protection report from Meister Media Worldwide, publisher of Greenhouse Grower, includes a closer look at some of the latest developments in the research and adoption of biological products in these markets.
For example, Gregory Bryant, an IPM specialist with Beneficial Insectary, notes that building your knowledge of biologicals starts with finding a good technical rep who knows what they're doing.
"People that start out trying to use biocontrols on their own will often fail, and that's because you can't just rely on the information you find online," Bryant says. "You have to know what's going to work for your specific growing situation, which means you have to find somebody who knows what they're talking about."
Check out the complete report here.
Source: Greenhouse Grower
Source: Greenhouse Grower
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