2M EUR to build Dutch-Macedonian greenhouse
Added on 22 January 2020

The construction of 2M EUR investment in the Ruma industrial zone has started today. The foundation stone for the construction of the logistics center of the company "Gresto" which is partner company of "HortiCentar Adria" which operates in the field of agriculture and deals with the promotion of modern agricultural systems, construction of greenhouses, use of advanced fertilizers and technology, was laid today by the Mayor of Ruma Sladjan Mancic, Minister of Agriculture Branislav Nedimovic, ambassadors of North Macedonia and the Kingdom of Netherlands, their Excellencies Aleksandar Popovski and Maria Van Miltenburg, as well as Mr. Aleksandar Stojkov representing the investor companies.
"Gresto" is a logistics project that was the result of 20 years of successful cooperation between the Dutch (KG Greenhouse BV) and the Macedonian partner (Balkan Greenhouse) who are both investor and owner companies.
"Horticentar Adria" as a major player in regional agriculture and horticulture business will strengthen its position in the market with pioneer and functional facilities at ideal location. The same project under HortiCentar Adria and Gresto is functional for few years in North Macedonia and parallely same one is builded in Croatia.
In addition to the Logistics Centre in Ruma, a demonstration greenhouse will be built to provide training and presentations. In the first phase of the project, 2 million EUR is expected to be invested by summer.
"Innovative investments like this in Ruma gives us inspiration about how far the development of agriculture will go, because without science and modern technology we have nothing to look for in the future in agriculture." said Minister of Agriculture Branislav Nedimovic.
"The Serbian government has provided funds to support such investments, not only I think of distribution and logistics centres, but also support to farmers for building greenhouses, we also do electrification of the field, which is very important for vegetable growing, as well as irrigation systems. In agriculture, the most important thing is to use modern technologies to reduce costs and the more important thing is to have a product when no one has it because then the price is the highest. That is the essence, if you have a product when everyone has it then the price is minimum, but when you have product when nobody has it, then you can get the highest price and return on investment is much higher, but all that requires accuracy, knowledge and that is why I thank the Dutch friends and Mr. Stojkov for transferring that know-how for our farmers, "said Nedimovic and emphasized that "Ruma loop" by building the new highway gets even more attractive."
"I do not know there will be another highway about 100 meters away from the existing one that is only 200 meters away when Mr. Stojkov was choosing the location. This is the perfect place for the business to establish, a classic showroom that will showcase how to grow vegetables in greenhouses in the most modern way. You know, it's like in a video game, level 2, level 3 compared to our previous level. You all remember that 10 to 15 years ago we had growing vegetables outdoors and then we had a million problems, first of all, with the weather conditions, then we switched to plastic greenhouse production, and this -with greenhouses- is a higher level, "said Nedimovic.
"HortiCentar Adria is pushing for automation in horticulture, energy efficient systems, completelly controlled greenhouses, optimal fertilization of the plants." says Aleksandar Stojkov. This type of greenhouse -that people will soon be able to see here in this region- is characterized by automation, energy efficiency, high standards of environmental protection, but also good conditions for workers, quality, biological protection and that's why it's a successful story in the long run.
"The principle of our operation is a little different from the classical trade because we transmit technology through direct interaction. Our vision became successful in a short time because we did not come to just sell fertilizers and glasshouses; but to implement technology of feeding plants, growing plants." Stojkov says, nwhile adding that Ruma was an ideal location for investment.
"Me and my partners from the Netherlands are satisfied with the location conditions with the infrastructure, the support regarding paperwork and everything that this investment needs to become a real as soon as possible," Stojkov said.
Ruma is still a place with a favourable business climate, which continues with new investments and new projects, said Ruma Mayor Sladjan Mancic.
"The extent of this high-volume investment is shown by the fact that we, as the Municipal Administration, issued a building permit two weeks ago and you immediately started the realization of the project and did almost all the preparatory work and here today we laid the foundation stone for the construction of this center. It also says that this is a serious company with good intentions and certainly we can work together in the common interest. First of all you are developing your own business and we are developing the economy of our city."
"After all, it is also the policy of both the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the President of our country to fight for every new employment opportunities that I believe it will be good for people in the territory of our municipality who are looking for a place under the sun." Mancic said, noting that only the Minister's presence Nedimovic speaks of the seriousness of the Government, which provides all possible logistical support for such and similar projects and investments throughout Serbia.
"The distribution and logistics center will have great importance not only for Serbia but for the whole region." claims Aleksandar Popovski, the ambassador of Northern Macedonia to Serbia.
"When the Dutch experience is combined with Macedonian vision and Serbian hospitality, there is no chance that this project will fail."
Maria Van Miltenburg, Deputy Ambassador of the Netherlands to Serbia, believes that everyone is winning in trilateral cooperation.
"I am very pleased that Serbian farmers here will be able to learn from each other about new technologies, the principles of environmental protection, energy efficiency. Agriculture is a very competitive area, everyone is following the events and it is very demanding market. I hope that we will be able to convey our secret of the golden triangle that is cooperation between the administration, the government and the business and scientific sector here as well, because it is the secret of our success in the Netherlands, "said Maria Van Miltenburg.
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Photo Credit: Optina Ruma
Source: Goedemorgen
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