Modiform's ecoExpert online packaging wins award!

Modiform's ecoExpert online packaging wins award!

Leusden, The Netherlands - Modiform is honoured to have won the Sustainability Impact Award at the Four Oaks trade show! The new ecoExpert packaging provides protection while plants are in transit going to consumers homes. The innovative clampacks securely protect plants of various sizes during transport, so that they have a safe journey in their matching outer box and give the consumers a fantastic unboxing experience. Modiform was the winner in the Sustainable Impact category, because all the ecoExpert products are made of materials that replace the plastic packaging currently in use. The ecoExpert material has a smaller impact on the environment and are more practical to recycle for the consumer. 

During the Four Oaks show there is always a competition to find the best new plant varieties and the best new products in horticulture. The competition is judged by a group of highly qualified colleagues from the horticulture sector, and this year's entries were of high quality. 

Made of recycled cardboard and biodegradable

The ecoExpert products are biodegradable products made of recycled cardboard, and the online packaging products specifically address the problem of shipping plants safely and sustainably. These shipping solutions are how retailers are responding to growing consumer demand for plants delivered directly to their homes in eco-friendly products. The online packaging products consist of clampacks and in-box trays. 

The clampack clamps around the pot, with the plant protruding through an opening at the top. The top can be secured with in the matching box by pushing in corner tabs. The patented clampacks can also be secured at the bottom of the cardboard box easily, thanks to a specially designed securing system. This way, the pot and plant are optimally protected in a cardboard box during shipping. 

The in-box trays are a packaging solution that allows plants to be placed in a tray horizontally and subsequently be sent in a matching shipping box. Plants in several different pot sizes can be shipped together with this solution. Cleverly designed notches in the shipping box make it possible to place several trays on top of each other. Very efficient and sustainable!

Sustainable DNA

Modiform is delighted and honoured to receive this award, all the more so because it reflects Modiform's strong commitment to finding innovative solutions to make the horticulture sector more sustainable. Modiform is focusing on maximum conservation of raw materials and closing the materials loop by working on smart designs, the right composition, reduction and recycling of raw materials, and reuse of existing products. This way we avoid unnecessary waste and reduce our products’ impact on the environment. Modiform supports, facilitates and develops simple and complex packaging solutions, thus adding value in the supply chain. Thinking and acting sustainably is embedded in the DNA of this family business. Modiform collects materials from the wider public and up-cycles them into high-quality and distinctive products and innovative concepts.

