Breakthrough: Nitrates from Manure

Breakthrough: Nitrates from Manure

How GreenSwitch turns manure into sustainable Nitrate fertilizer. Van Iperen International and Pure Green Agriculture started operations of the world's first factory, located in The Netherlands, to produce nitrates from manure. It will dramatically reduce nitrogen while producing sustainable and organic liquid nitrate fertilizers.

Currently, governments and enterprises are taking dramatic steps to solve the nitrogen crisis. Excess nitrogen in the atmosphere produces toxic pollutants such as ammonia, which affect health, alter the flora, soils and waterways. Together, Pure Green Agriculture and Van Iperen International aim to contribute in solving the nitrogen crisis through sustainable technology and products that directly benefit farmers, support responsible agricultural growth and support the biogas industry. Pure Green's Ammonium Recovery Technology (ART) and Ammonium Inversion Reactor (AIR) capture nitrogen in the form of ammonia from manures and agricultural waste streams and transform it into sustainable fertilizers under the GreenSwitch label.

"The global emissions crisis requires solutions that support the planet while allowing farmers to thrive. We aim to connect the GreenSwitch process with larger biogas operators and other manure processing industries where we can remove 1000 to 5000 tons of nitrogen per year and reduce 180 to 900 tons emissions of nitrogen. And on top we avoid emission of 11.000 to 55.000 tons of CO2", said Phil van Wakeren, CEO of Pure Green. Further formulation yields sustainable and organic liquid nitrate fertilizers well-suited for fertigation. The end-to-end industrial scale process is called GreenSwitch. As producer of Specialty Fertilizers and Biostimulants, the Dutch company Van Iperen International is responsible for the industrialization of the GreenSwitch process and commercialization of the final products.

Conventional horticulture uses large quantities of synthetically derived nitrate fertilizers, essential to reach a good yield of high quality. Unfortunately, conventional production methods have a large Carbon Footprint. "GreenSwitch changes the paradigm for farmers and the fertilizer industry by delivering desirable nitrate products with a negligible carbon footprint", says Erik van den Bergh,

Managing Director of Van Iperen International. GreenSwitch nitrate fertilizers are also certified for Organic Farming in different areas around the world and will allow Organic Farmers to use a readily available nitrogen fertilizer. All in all, the products produced via Pure Green technology and the circular GreenSwitch process can be seen as a game changer for global agriculture towards increased sustainability at an industrial scale. For that reason, on June 1st the Dutch main horticultural event, Horticontact, awarded GreenSwitch as the Innovation of the year for the high-tech greenhouse sector.

GreenSwitch Original

The first GreenSwitch product to market is an organic and clear solution of potassium nitrate (2 - 0 - 7) ready to use and available through our global distribution network.

  • Unique organic Nitric Nitrogen liquid
  • Nitrogen directly available and assimilable by the crop
  • Patented close to zero carbon footprint production process
  • Circular economy
  • Developed for drip irrigation in open field and (high tech) greenhouses

    More information about GreenSwitch, Van Iperen International and Pure Green Agriculture, please visit and

About Van Iperen International

Van Iperen International is a Dutch producer of Specialty Fertilizers and Biostimulants for fertigation and foliar application. Founded in 2010 and rooted inside the Van Iperen group that celebrates this year its 100 year anniversary. We are eager to change the rules of the game in plant nutrition providing innovative solutions to growers for a more sustainable agriculture. Together with our dedicated team of agronomists and sales experts, we adapt formulas to all relevant crops and local conditions. Within our product catalogue, you can find:

  • High Performing Solutions is a range of innovative fertilizers combining Nutrition with Biostimulation. This range provides the grower with solutions for better Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and Water Use Efficiency (WUE), improved Abiotic Stress Tolerance, and greater Crop Quality.
  • Essentials is a range of pure mineral water soluble and liquid fertilizers. This range provides the grower with all the essential nutrients to feed their plants.

About Pure Green Agriculture

Pure Green Agriculture is a US based R&D company specialised in producing organic and sustainable Nitrogen from agricultural waste streams via technology well-suited for biogas and manure processing operations. Pure Green's Ammonium Inversion Reactor (AIR) PureGreen's highly disruptive Ammonium Inversion Reactor (AIR) and Ammonium Recovery Technology (ART) comprise an innovative Nitrogen reclamation process that generates 100% soluble, high value, sustainable organic liquid fertilizer, while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from Nitrogen (Ammonia) emitting processes such as manure processing, methane production, and livestock farming operations.


Van Iperen International

Marc van Oers | Director of innovations

Jasmina Nikolic | Brand Marketer

Source: Goedemorgen
