Exhibitor registration for GrootGroenPlus now open

Exhibitor registration for GrootGroenPlus now open

ZUNDERT, Netherlands: Exhibitor registration for the 30th edition of Europe's premier amenity plant show GrootGroenPlus is open until 30 July. This year, the time to prepare the show is extremely short. There is still much planning to be done with a focus on protocols to ensure that exhibitors and visitors remain safe and in accordance with governement advice and distancing guidance. Therefore, exhibitors must book their stand no later than 31 July.

So far 175 exhibitors have booked their space. And the organisers stress that the show has been  approved by the Guarantee Fund, which means that in case of a COVID-19 related cancellation, a major part of the costs will be refunded and do not have to be borne by the participants.If you want to be part of the GrootGroenPlus experience, please register before 1 July. Feel free to share this message in your network, and make sure that you are there on 6 - 8 October, with a beautiful stand. You can find the registration form on our website, available 24/7.Considering the positive experiences GGP has had regarding last year's digital presence, GrootGroenPlus organisers have decided to combine a physical show with a digital format.As as result, GrootGroenPlus has added an online trade directory/virtual catalogue to their website and app linked to the Varb trade platform.For more information visit http://www.grootgroenplus.nl

Source and Photo Courtesy of AIPH

Source: AIPH
