Growers ask for more time to comply with light pollution law

Growers ask for more time to comply with light pollution law

CANADA, Ontario- In a statement, the Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers said its members understand pollution concerns, but need time to adjust.

Greenhouse growers in Ontario are asking for additional time to comply with a new bylaw aimed at limiting light pollution.

"Our growers understand and share community concerns on the effects of light pollution to the environment," George Gilvesi, chair of the Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG), said in a recent statement.

Original story

There were harsh words for the region's greenhouse operators Tuesday night before Leamington council voted in favour of a new bylaw cracking down on light pollution.

Mayor Hilda MacDonald said she resented being "forced" to make the decision.

"We really would have hoped the industry would have self-regulated," she said. "But here we are, having to make regulations because no one wanted to comply. I will say this publicly: There is a grower who stated in the media that Leamington and Kingsville dropped the ball. That to me was a shot across the bow. We didn't drop the ball."

Read the full story in the Windsor Star

Source: Greenhouse Management

Photo created by drobotdean - freepik

Source: Greenhouse Management
