Growing strong and steady seedlings

Growing strong and steady seedlings

Founded in 1958, the Beijing Vegetable Research Center(BVRC) (hereafter the Center) is an agricultural researchinstitute affiliated with the municipality of Beijing. TheCenter has advanced research facilities andtechnological capabilities; it is one of the top-rankeddevelopment centers in the industry.

"The challenge
was to grow

a reliable supply ofvegetable seedlings under artificial light.Philips supplementary LED lighting is an excellentsolution for greenhouses…. supported by aprofessional service team"

- Guo Yongliang, Technician, Vegetable Research Center

Customer Challenge

The Center is a PC greenhouse complex has about 2,000m2 of space, used primarily for cultivating vegetableseedlings. The greenhouse was originally illuminated withnatural daylight, but as heavy smog increased in Beijing,the amount of natural light hours decreased.Lower lightlevels caused vegetable seedlings to either grow moreslowly or more quickly, meaning the Center could notguarantee a consistent supply of standard seedlings.

The right lighting

In 2013, the Center implemented a revolutionary full LEDstereoscopic grow lighting system in its new glass greenhousefor tomato production. It combined Philips GreenPower LEDtoplighting on the greenhouse ceiling and Philips GreenPowerLED interlighting between the tomato plants. After severalyears of experience with this system, the Center has amasseda rich body of experience in supplementary LED lightingapplications.

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting

Philips is introducing an LED-based toplighting solution for greenhouse growers, easy to install and no need for water cooling systems.

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Source and Photo Courtesy of Philips Lighting

Source: Philips Lighting
