How to know when burpless cucumbers are ripe
Added on 21 February 2020

1 Monitor the burpless cucumbers for ripeness as they approach full size. Most burpless varieties take about 60 days after the seeds are planted to reach maturity. Check the plants for mature cucumbers every two days once the plants begin producing fruits.
2 Select cucumbers that have reached their full size. Generally, most burpless varieties grow to about 1 1/2 inches in diameter and 10 inches in length when they are ready for harvest.
3 Support a selected cucumber in one hand, and cut through its stem with a knife or scissors. Avoid pulling or twisting the cucumber because doing so may damage the fruit or plant. Repeat the procedure to harvest additional full-grown cucumbers.
4 Store the harvested cucumbers in a loosely closed plastic bag in a refrigerator for up to three days.
Things You Will Need
§ -Knife or scissors
§ -Plastic bag
§ -Cut overripe, yellowing cucumbers from the plants promptly, and dispose of them. Leaving overripe fruits on the plants may reduce flowering and fruit production.
§ - Although burpless varieties generally aren't bitter, overripe cucumbers, drought stress and disease can cause a bitter flavor.
Source: Homeguides
Image of Couleur via Pixabay
Source: Home Guides
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