'Green Britannia: UK's cannabis surge takes Europe by storm'

'Green Britannia: UK's cannabis surge takes Europe by storm'
PHOTO : wirestock / Freepik

Although all eyes in the marijuana industry were on Berlin since Germany’s legalization of recreational cannabis on the 1st of April, the focus has already started to shift towards the large-scale phenomena taking place in the British cannabis landscape. If the Bundestags’ decision to further improve the legal statute of medical cannabis in the country hasn't amounted to a lot of change up to this moment, the United Kingdom seems to be facing an unprecedented spike in cannabis sales and consumption.

According to the latest report from Prohibition Partners, Brits are really getting into medical cannabis, smashing sales expectations like it's nothing. By the end of 2024, we're looking at almost 63,000 patients in the UK giving the green light to cannabis, pulling in a hefty €240 million (£205 million) in sales. In addition to that, a striking disparity emerges in the consumption habits of medical cannabis patients between the UK and Germany. While German patients allocate an average of €1,563 (£1,342) annually towards their cannabis needs, their British counterparts exhibit a remarkable fervor, spending a staggering €3,811 (£3,261) per year.

So, why the sudden interest in cannabis ? Well, part of it is how things work on the other side of the English Channel in comparison to continental Europe. Unlike in Germany, where the government helps pay, Brits are paying out of their own pocket for their medical cannabis. While medical cannabis was legalized in November 2018, patient access through the National Health Service (NHS) remains limited. As a result, private clinics have emerged as the primary avenue through which patients can obtain medical cannabis prescriptions and access treatment.

According to Lawrence Purkiss at Prohibition Partners, this market setup is a big reason why we're seeing such high consumption rates : “The comparatively high per-patient consumption rates in the UK are at least in part a consequence of the fact that the market is entirely private and self-paid. The financial incentives within the system are geared towards high prescription volumes, unlike in Germany where at least 50% of patients have their medical cannabis costs reimbursed under public healthcare.”

Prohibition Partners co-founder and CEO Stephen Murphy also had his take on the British situation : “The findings in the 9th Edition of 'The European Cannabis Report' highlight an intriguing trend: Patients in the UK are consuming more than their counterparts in other European markets. Since the legalization of medical cannabis in 2018, private companies have aimed to enhance options and accessibility for patients. However, due to supply chain restrictions and costs, patients often opt for volume over frequency. This underscores the need for continued efforts to streamline regulations and improve affordability to ensure patients' needs are adequately met.” 

These private clinics provide consultation services with specialized healthcare professionals who are knowledgeable about medical cannabis and its potential therapeutic benefits. Patients seeking medical cannabis treatment typically schedule appointments with these clinics to discuss their medical history, symptoms, and treatment goals.

Upon assessment, if a healthcare professional deems medical cannabis appropriate for the patient's condition, they can issue a prescription. Private clinics often collaborate with licensed medical cannabis distributors and pharmacies to ensure patients can access the prescribed medications.

One significant advantage of private clinics is their ability to offer a broader range of medical cannabis products and treatment options compared to traditional healthcare providers. This includes various formulations such as oils, capsules, and vaporizers, allowing patients to choose the method of administration that best suits their preferences and medical needs.

In an exclusive statement to the press, Jonathan Hodgson, the CEO of Curaleaf Laboratories, revealed groundbreaking insights into the burgeoning UK medical cannabis market. Hodgson unveiled a remarkable surge in growth at the onset of 2024, pointing to a record number of private clinics now offering medical cannabis treatments at reduced appointment costs : “The beginning of 2024 has already shown a tremendous level of growth, with a record number of UK private clinics now providing medical cannabis treatment for lower appointment costs than ever before. More formulations and dosage forms have entered the market, such as pastilles and liquid vape cartridges, broadening the treatment options available for specialists to prescribe for patients.”

With anticipation building, Hodgson unveiled an array of novel formulations and dosage forms, including pastilles and liquid vape cartridges, aimed at broadening treatment options for specialists and patients alike. This bold venture into new territories signifies a pivotal moment in the evolution of medical cannabis in the UK, leaving industry observers intrigued and eager to witness the unfolding impact.

Additionally, private clinics may also provide ongoing support and monitoring to patients throughout their treatment journey. This includes regular follow-up appointments to assess treatment efficacy, adjust dosages if necessary, and address any concerns or side effects experienced by patients.

However, it's important to note that the private healthcare model for medical cannabis in the UK also comes with challenges, particularly related to affordability and accessibility. Patients typically bear the full cost of medical cannabis treatment, as it is not covered by public healthcare schemes like the NHS. This can pose financial barriers for some patients, limiting their ability to access treatment. Overall, private clinics play a critical role in bridging the gap between patient demand for medical cannabis and the current healthcare infrastructure in the UK. While challenges remain, ongoing efforts to streamline regulations and improve affordability are essential to ensure equitable access to medical cannabis treatment for all patients in need.

The unveiling of the UK as the driving force behind Europe's medical cannabis market surge marks a pivotal moment in the industry's evolution. With remarkably high consumption rates per patient and unprecedented sales growth, the UK's role as a trailblazer is undeniable. Yet, as we look ahead to the future, questions linger: Will the UK's current position as a key player in the European cannabis landscape last and, more importantly, how would changes in NHS policy affect the current situation ?

As we gaze into the future of Europe's medical cannabis landscape, a tale of two nations emerges – the UK and Germany – poised to lead the charge. Forecasts paint a vivid picture: in the UK, a staggering 124% surge in medical cannabis patients is anticipated by 2028, catapulting the patient count to approximately 141,000. Meanwhile, Germany, with its steady growth trajectory, is projected to see a 24% increase, boasting around 346,000 patients by the same year.

Yet, it is the collective might of these two powerhouses that truly captivates – together, Germany and the UK are set to reign supreme, commanding a remarkable 77% share of all medical cannabis sales and patients in Europe by 2028. As the countdown to this transformative era begins, the stage is set for an enthralling narrative of innovation, accessibility, and the ever-evolving dynamics of medical cannabis across the continent. What developments lie ahead? Only time will tell.


