New landscape varieties guide
Added on 19 February 2020

Five regions were selected by Jeff Gibson, Ball Seed landscape business manager. Dozens of top-performing varieties are showcased to give the best recommendations for planting success in North America:
- Midwestern & Northeastern U.S. and Eastern Canada
- Southeastern U.S.
- Southwestern U.S.
- U.S. Gulf States
- Western U.S. and Western Canada
Also included in each regional document are "Top Tips for Landscape Planting Success," as well as a "What To Order When" calendar to help landscapers work effectively with their growers.
"Ball Seed is known for its one-of-a-kind service and supply," says Gibson. "Armed with these top-performing landscape varieties, your greenhouse can offer the same customer service and recommendations to your landscape customers for their ultimate installation success."
Contact your Ball Seed sales rep or Ball ColorLink associate at 800-879-BALL to request your regional copies of "2020 Thrive Landscape Solutions." Browse them online and download digital copies by clicking here.
The five regional covers for 'THRIVE Landscape Solutions'
Photo courtesy of Ball Seed
Source: Greenhousemag
Source: Greenhousemag
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