University of Connecticut needs leafy greens growers' help

University of Connecticut needs leafy greens growers' help

The University of Connecticut Greenhouse Research & Extension team is looking for help from leafy greens growers on a new project. The team is conducting a study in root rot of hydroponically grown leafy greens, and is hoping to collect plant samples with root rot from commercial operations in the U.S. The University of Connecticut Greenhouse Research & Extension team is looking for help from leafy greens growers on a new project. The team is conducting a study in root rot of hydroponically grown leafy greens, and is hoping to collect plant samples with root rot from commercial operations in the U.S.

Grower participation will the team help better understand how microbes interact in roots and potentially identify beneficial microbes that reduce the risk of plant pathogens in hydroponics.  

Participants would benefit from this study by receiving a free diagnosis of what is causing root rot in the sample, as well as early access to the information generated from this project.

Photo by Paula van Ommen

Growers interested in participating in the project can click here or contact Cora McGehee or Rosa Raudales (860-486-6043). 

Source: Greenhouse Grower
Photo by PHÚC LONG on Unsplash

Source: Greenhouse Grower
