Tozer showcases wide range of seed innovations at Dutch Field Trials

Tozer showcases wide range of seed innovations at Dutch Field Trials

Andijk – Tozer’s event takes place in Zwaagdijk-Oost, The Netherlands, from 24th to 26th September, as part of the Seed Meets Technology week. Over 100 improved varieties of celery, kale, leek, coriander, wild rocket, salad onions and parsnip will be presented.

Following last year’s success, the independent seed multinational Tozer participates again at the Seed Meets Technology event in The Netherlands. On this occasion, their 1,300m2 trial field will showcase an impressive selection of over 100 innovative vegetable seed varieties.

As celery leader, Tozer will give this crop a prominent place at the trials. Amongst its wide catalogue, the mid-season hybrid Cleopatra clearly stands out as a market favourite. Specially, good for pre-packing with great colour and standing, Cleopatra performs particularly well in an unpredictable early season.

Brassicas will also be on the spotlight at Tozer’s Dutch Field Trials. Visitors will be able to discover up to twenty varieties of kale including new breeding lines of green kale and improved hybrids of Cavolo Nero, a contemporary range that puts a premium on product versatility and flavour.

Innovative varieties of coriander such as Bolero, Rumba and Flamenco, parsnip like Sabre, faster growing Kalettes®, a hybrid cross between kale and Brussels sprouts, and new lines in leek, salad onions and rocket complete the list of Tozer’s novelties at the event.

“We’re really satisfied with the quality and range of the innovations our visitors will be able to see next week at the field. We’re expecting clients and delegations from many different countries, and I can’t wait to welcome them all”, says Marcel Bloemendaal, Sales Director for Northern Europe at Tozer.

The Tozer team has also prepared a special surprise for those professionals joining on Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th: a “Happy Hour”. Taking place from 16h to 17h on both days, this get together will be an opportunity to taste their very own celery gin and enjoy a Gin & Tonic or an English beer.

All growers and professionals wanting to visit Tozer’s Dutch Field Trials 2024 can book their appointments HERE.

For more information about Tozer and its wide range of innovative vegetable seeds, you can visit and follow us on social media.

