Leading the way in sustainability: Interview with Edwin Muijt

Leading the way in sustainability: Interview with Edwin Muijt
Interview with Edwin Muijt

Edwin Muijt, the Sustainability Officer at Koppert, has been at the forefront of the company's sustainability initiatives for the past five years. Under his guidance, Koppert has made significant strides in measuring the reduction of pesticide use—a core principle since its foundation.

Koppert's sustainability efforts extend beyond pesticide reduction. The company has broadened its focus to include energy and emission reductions, as well as overall operational improvements. ‘This helps us to widen our scope and also pay attention to things that we might have lost sight of in the past,’ Muijt notes. By integrating these efforts into a comprehensive sustainability framework, Koppert highlights the significant progress it is making on multiple fronts.

Muijt acknowledges the often unnoticed efforts of many individuals within the company who have worked tirelessly over the decades to enhance sustainability. ‘I see many people in the company working on making our processes, our products, our company more sustainable. Some of these efforts go unnoticed by becoming an integral part of what we do. Aligning with an international sustainability framework allows Koppert to showcase these collective efforts as milestones in its sustainability journey.’

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