Biosolutions to gain market share among CEA growers

Biosolutions to gain market share among CEA growers

Biosolutions are becoming more popular in greenhouses throughout the country. They do not replace traditional methods of pest control, but growers are finding many benefits to them. Biosolutions offer new, effective practices to control pests and diseases and offer many environmental benefits.

Bill Foster, CEO of BioWorks, says more growers should learn how to add biosolutions to their integrated pest management (IPM) programs.

“From our perspective, there are opportunities to help growers gain confidence in using available biological products to move away from other control options that are more difficult to use due to application or increased regulatory restrictions,” Foster says. “This means more flexibility and additional options to avoid supply chain and cost challenges.”

New Research on Biosolutions

Rodrigo Bermudez, Director of the West and LATAM regions for Locus AG, says not all biological strains perform the same. Growers should look for biological products that contain strains specifically chosen for their efficacy on specific crops or in specific growing regions for optimal performance.

“Not all biologicals are created equal,” he says. “To ensure growers are selecting the best product, they should confirm the biological product has verified data and/or third-party trials that demonstrate the biological product’s performance on their crop and/or region. One of the para-meters we look at for greenhouses is a lower grower input budget or outlay for the same or more commercially accepted harvest increase.”

Dr. Michael Brownbridge, Biological Program Manager, Disease Control Management for BioWorks, says a new product called BotryStop WP launched in January 2023. This biofungicide allows growers to bring a new mode of action (MOA) into their botrytis management programs.

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Photo: By keeping a close eye on their crops, growers can identify pests and diseases early and order biologicals in plenty of time. Photo Courtesy of Certis Biologicals.

