Soil grown strawberries thrive on Vidi Funda

Soil grown strawberries thrive on Vidi Funda

Koppert’s soil improver, Vidi Funda, adds more than 25% to the crop yield in soil grown strawberries. Independent trials carried out in Belgium and the Netherlands show that the country’s favourite berry thrives when this biological soil improver is added to the soil. Vidi Funda further enhances soil life and restores biodiversity to improve the plants’ resilience.

Koppert’s Product Manager, Guido Roozemond, says previous trials in outdoor berries such as strawberries and blueberries have shown good results. Research organization PC Fruit carried out a successful trial in outdoor strawberries in Belgium last year.

‘The trial was carried out on 3 replica fields and showed a 25% improvement in yield. That is a significant increase and shows that our soil improver does its job well, not only in greenhouses as shown in the past, but also outdoors.’

Soil health benefits
Vidi Funda is easy to use and can be distributed by fertilizer spreaders outdoors. The product includes over 15 ingredients that vary from natural substances derived from legumes, maize, and seaweed extracts, to a number of minerals. The soil improver reduces leakage of synthetic fertilizers to the ground water so that these can be used more efficiently. But as Roozemond points out, the main benefit is soil health: ‘The organic matter changes the biodiversity in the soil. Not only does the mass of microbes increase, but the variety improves and has a positive impact on the crop.’

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Photo: Koppert

