Organic farm results higher than for conventional farms

Organic farm results higher than for conventional farms

Organic farms achieved a higher balance than conventional farms during the period 2011-2020. The balance is the difference between revenues and costs. In 2020, the balance for organic farms averaged 110 thousand euros, almost a quarter higher than that of conventional farms, where the balance averaged 89 thousand euros. This is according to a CBS study on the financial data of farms in the period from 2011 to 2020.

Organic farms achieved higher average yields than conventional farms in the period 2011-2020. Average costs were also higher. In 2020, the average yield for an organic farm was 819 thousand euros compared to 599 thousand euros for a conventional farm, a difference of 37 percent. For costs in 2020, the difference was 39 percent, 709 thousand euros for organic and 510 thousand euros for conventional.

Higher balance organic arable farms

Organic arable farms achieved an average balance of 82 thousand euros in 2020, 13 percent higher than for conventional farms, where the balance was 73 thousand euros. From 2011 to 2015, the balance of organic arable farms was lower than conventional farms, from 2016, the proportion of organic farms is higher, peaking at 45 percent in 2019.

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