Sharing the strength of Dutch expertise in the cannabis industry

Sharing the strength of Dutch expertise in the cannabis industry
Photo: Cultivators

June, a busy and exciting month for the team of Cultivators! From the Cultivation for Compounds International Event on June 10 focused on the cannabis research that has been conducted as part of the consortium, to GreenTech in Amsterdam, and Mary Jane in Berlin, the Leafy Hydroponics Summit organized for the very first time by the team of Cultivators, and Cannabis Europa at the end of the month.

June is going to be full of networking, introductions, presentations, and knowledge exchange.

This article published on MMJDaily discusses a few of these exciting days;

“The importance of Dutch suppliers and expertise within the horticulture and the cannabis industry is known worldwide,” says Sonny Moerenhout, Managing Partner at Cultivators. “However, there are still cannabis projects being set up without using the full potential of the available expertise on large-scale cultivation. Luckily, that’s exactly where the Dutch excel: we have the experience with large-scale horticulture. That’s why the global cannabis industry can greatly benefit from Dutch companies.”

In line with the many developments in Europe (such as Germany, of course), it’s a great time for the cannabis industry to get together and exchange knowledge. That’s why during the week of June 10, several events are shining a spotlight on Dutch knowledge in the cannabis industry.

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