Discover Schoneveld Breeding's sustainable splash of colours
Added on 23 January 2023
Cold tolerant crops In these times of rising energy prices it is smart to focus on products developed for production in the cold season to keep production costs as low as possible. Our breeders developed crops that perform excellent under colder and darker circumstances. These require low energy input and still deliver outstanding quality. Come see Super Serie Mini Winter, Picasso, Macro and Vintro. You will be amazed by their performances. Our growing supporters are there to help you with the adjusted cultivation protocol. Outside the range of Cyclamen there is a broad choice of crops that perform well with low input of energy. Think for example about Primula Paradiso and Ranunclus Sprinkles.
Petticoat – re-introduction Super Serie Petticoat is back. This stubborn, cheerful Cyclamen is characterized by the flowers that hang down. Why follow common rules? Petticoat does everything different. The inner flower shows its beauty by the unique flowering. A true eye-catcher, perfect to use in playful arrangements. The re-introduction of Super Serie Petticoat starts this season with 3 colours: Light with Eye, Dark Violet and Neon Pink.
Photo: Schoneveld Breeding
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