Even and stable light level with PARperfect at Kwekerij Bergcamp

Even and stable light level with PARperfect at Kwekerij Bergcamp
Photo: svensson

Pot plant growers Robert and Walter van den Berg left nothing to chance with the recent construction of a 4.3 hectare greenhouse. Only the best systems were good enough. For that reason, the brothers opted for the PARperfect screen solution from Svensson. The screen level can be adjusted continuously and there is an optimal light distribution throughout the greenhouse. Every plant always gets the same amount of light, regardless of the outside conditions. This strategy has paid off: the product quality and uniformity improved significantly.

Cyclamen, campanulas and geraniums; these are the crops that are central to Kwekerij Bergcamp in De Lier, Netherlands. The company currently comprises of three locations, with a total surface area of ​​9.5 hectares. “My grandfather and grandmother once started the company at the Westerlee in De Lier”, says Robert van den Berg. “They focused on growing grapes and various field crops. Later, my father and his brothers started to focus on growing lettuce plants. Potted plants have been grown there for fifty years. Today, I am at the helm of the company, together with my brother Walter. Spring is reserved for growing Campanula Addenda and Long Life geraniums, the rest of the year we focus on cyclamen. We have also recently started to focus more on growing Fresh & Fruity scented geraniums; a product group that we have started to expand in collaboration with Pedro Plant.”

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