“Farm to Fork” attracts a large crowd from China and Holland
Added on 27 February 2023
Shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables in major cities
Chinese and Dutch governmental officials, experts, scholars, and well-known business people gathered together to discuss the development of Sino-Dutch facility agriculture and the needs of the consumer market through domestic mainstream retail channels. Mr. Wouter Verhey, Agricultural Counselor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in China, noted in his speech that since 2020, during the COVID epidemic, there has been a shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables in major cities. The fragile fresh produce supply system has made everyone aware of the need for high-tech facility agriculture in the suburbs of megacities.
Needs of the retail and consumer market
In total 8 speakers shared knowledge about market trends, the retail sector, and the value chain in China and the Netherlands. Dingdong Cayman and C- Fruits Union gave insight into the business side of retailing and the consumer’s demands for high-quality fruits and vegetables. Shanghai Xinghui, Kubo, Ridder, and Grodan presented Dutch and Chinese greenhouse technology to guarantee food safety. Bayer de Ruiter and Food Ventures represented the seeds and growers, and how they provide safe, consumer-liked flavors, and fresh fruits and vegetables to Chinese consumers, as part of the whole ecosystem.
The panel discussion with 6 business experts included how to establish a high-tech horticulture brand and build a common standard among Chinese consumers. This lively discussion was considered one of the highlights of the hybrid seminar. The afternoon ended with a network reception, where all participants exchanged more ideas for cooperation to ensure a safe and stable food supply in China’s megacities.
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