Greenhouse gold rush: the future of year-round farming blooms

Greenhouse gold rush: the future of year-round farming blooms

Greenhouse horticulture, the art of cultivating crops within controlled environments, is experiencing a significant upswing.

These specialised structures, often made of glass or plastic, offer growers an unparalleled level of control over vital environmental factors like temperature, humidity, light intensity, and CO2 levels.

This method not only ensures consistent crop production but also enhances crop quality, reduces resource consumption, and presents a sustainable solution for year-round cultivation.

The market value of greenhouse horticulture stood at a commendable £21.2 Billion in 2022. Forecasts suggest an impressive CAGR of 9.62% by 2032. Several factors are fuelling this growth:

Year-Round Crop Production

Modern consumers demand a steady supply of fresh produce all year round. Greenhouses extend the growing season, ensuring a continuous crop supply, and diminish reliance on seasonal factors.

Enhanced Crop Quality and Yield

The controlled environment of greenhouses leads to improved crop quality, uniformity, and augmented yields, attracting growers aiming for premium-quality produce.

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