Darwin Colombia optimizes the climate of its greenhouses

Darwin Colombia optimizes the climate of its greenhouses
Photo: svensson

Today, with 8 hectares of greenhouses, Darwin Colombia has been a leader in Colombia's agricultural sector since its establishment in 2002. The company specializes in the production of ornamental plant cuttings for export. We had the opportunity to interview Carlos Martínez, R&D Director at Darwin Colombia, who told us how Svensson has become a great ally for Darwin with the climate screens and insect control nets, contributing to Darwin's success in the management of its greenhouses.

Darwin Colombia is a consolidated company since 2002. It currently has 8 productive greenhouse hectares and an average of 420 workers all year round, making it the Colombian company in the agricultural sector with the highest density of workers per area. 

Darwin is a division of Ball Horticultural Company, its main objective is the production of ornamental plant cuttings for export. In the last year, more than 70 million cuttings were exported to markets in USA, Canada, Europe, and the United Kingdom mainly.

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