PIB India cluster heads off to Hyderabad and Delhi
Added on 13 March 2023
Metropole strategy
The retail sector and Heads of State in India confirmed that there is a large market demand and that the Dutch cluster is distinctive with its holistic and structured approach and integrated solutions. Desh Ramnath, cluster coordinator: ‘NLHortiRoad2India's focus has shifted from regions with favorable agricultural opportunities to metropoles. Due to poor cold logistics and poor road network, 30% to 80% of production in India is lost. The last mission made us realize that we had to change our strategy. At the metropoles, millions of people live at a relatively short distance from production. We will focus on metropoles like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Sochi, Delhi, and Laknou, with Universities, and economic clout. Here, we see a large group of young urbanites with good jobs and a large group of young urbanites with good jobs, that prefer buying quality fruit and vegetables from modern supermarkets.’
The upcoming mission in April starts in Hyderabad and ends in Delhi. An attractive public and private program will be compiled with, amongst others visits to greenhouse projects, and practical training Centers. This will be followed by knowledge sessions, in-depth matchmaking sessions, and network receptions. Additionally, meetings with investors, project developers, retail, and the hospitality sector are part of the fully packed 6-day program.
The following organizations join the mission: Bayer de Ruiter, Broekman Logistics, Hoogendoorn Growth Management, Lumiforte, Koppert, Meteor Systems, Priva, Ridder, Van der Hoeven Horticultural Projects and Viscon Group. The mission is organized by Dutch Greenhouse delta, InnovationQuarter, The Netherlands Embassy in India and Rotterdam Partners.
The companies like to meet Indian investors, project developers, entrepreneurs, and leaders in retail and hospitality. Do you like to meet turnkey suppliers and specialized companies? Reach out to coordinators Desh Ramnath and Carine Eijkelkamp.
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