Anglesey VF extended after hitting great heights

Anglesey VF extended after hitting great heights

Following a successful two-year programme, the Tech Tyfu initiative - delivered by Menter Môn – is set to continue until Summer 2024 via Welsh Government’s Backing Local Firms Fund.

The Tech Tyfu Scale-Up project aimed to provide vertical farming equipment and businesses support to growers across the country, with a goal of developing food supply chains for fresh produce.

Among the participants to praise the scale-up scheme were Chris and Donna Graves from Micro Acres Wales, based in Church Village, Pontypridd.

As well as crucial guidance and advice, they received equipment and support that helped them develop micro greens using sustainable, water-based hydroponic methods.

Fresh from winning the outstanding restaurant supplier of the year award at Food and Drink Awards Wales, Chris - a police custody officer who was diagnosed with rare brain condition spinocerebellar ataxia in 2019 – said the last few years have been a rollercoaster ride.

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Photo Caption: Rural Affairs Minister lesley Griffiths at the launch of Tech Tyfu. (Image: Tech Tyfu)

