Innovation in strawberry farming

Innovation in strawberry farming

Massachusetts, United States - Dutch company GEGE Machinebouw achieves groundbreaking tray field system in The USA.

Dutch company GEGE Machinebouw is making waves in American strawberry farming with their innovative tray field project.

This initiative, undertaken by GEGE in collaboration with Haygrove and Nourse Farms, marks a significant milestone in strawberry farming in America.

Collaboration and innovation: a shared mission

GEGE Machinebouw, known for their advanced machinery solutions, has developed an elevated tray field system. This system reduces labor costs, increases production capacity, and significantly improves working conditions. The elevated trays allow plants to be cared for and harvested more efficiently, resulting in healthier plants and higher yields.

Together with Haygrove, who provide advanced vent tunnels for optimal ventilation and climate control, they are creating an ideal growing environment. "Our mission is to make the highest quality strawberry plants available," says Bart van Schaijk of GEGE Machinebouw. "Thanks to these innovative systems, we can significantly enhance the efficiency and sustainability of farming processes."

Future of strawberry farming

The tray field project in Massachusetts is just the beginning. The successful implementation of GEGE's technology promises further improvements and expansions in American strawberry farming. Growers throughout the region are looking forward to the benefits this Dutch innovation will bring.

GEGE Machinebouw, a leading Dutch company, is setting the standard for the future of strawberry farming in America. Through combined expertise and technologies, we provide growers with the means to produce high-quality strawberry plants with increased efficiency and sustainability.

