DGD opens doors for new partners
Added on 13 November 2023

“Membership Becomes More Accessible and Targeted”
Achieving international growth is a high priority for nearly every company in the horticulture sector. Dutch Greenhouse Delta (DGD) claims that collaboration on internationalization is essential to maintain a global leadership position. DGD invites companies from the sector – both large and small – to join their platform, now that membership is becoming more accessible to a wider range of businesses. "The more partners, the greater our impact!"
Since 2018, Dutch Greenhouse Delta has been a powerful platform that promotes Dutch horticulture internationally and identifies business opportunities. Within DGD, leading Dutch companies, educational institutions, and government join forces to establish commercial relationships in regions with significant growth opportunities for the sector. Together, they focus on creating mutually beneficial opportunities that support both local food supplies and the growth of DGD’s partners.
In short, DGD identifies opportunities in new and existing markets and ensures that these are optimally utilized by its partners. CEO Mirjam Boekestijn explains, "Since our founding, we have built an extensive network within the Dutch government and its diplomatic posts worldwide. Together, we can open doors that often remain closed for individual parties." In addition to exploring markets with potential such as Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Japan, and Egypt, DGD promotes the sector in markets with proven potential like China, India, and the Gulf region. DGD coordinates trade missions and representation at international fairs and events, establishing long-term trade relationships.
From Generic Membership to Customized Internationalization
Starting January 1, 2024, DGD's contribution model will change, making membership more accessible and targeted. It will be possible to engage in a general membership, which can be expanded with participation in one or more DGD International Alliances. Within the general membership, partners benefit from the market exploration and promotion that DGD conducts in potential markets. Wihtin the International Alliances, partners collaborate to assist the local horticulture cluster – in China, India, or the Gulf region – with region-specific challenges. Together, the International Alliances establish long-term relationships that lead to commercial opportunities.
In the new setup, companies can participate in DGD from 5000 euros per year. Mirjam explains, "Previously, partners were automatically involved in all of DGD's focus regions. In the new structure, partners consciously choose to participate in one or more International Alliances, making membership more cost-effective." From 2024, it will also be possible to be a general DGD member without being involved in any of the three focus regions, Mirjam says. "An interesting option for organizations that want to contribute to the general promotion and internationalization of Dutch horticulture," she adds. The reason for this transition is to involve more organizations in the sector's internationalization, Mirjam explains: "The more members, the more international influence. An important step in maintaining the Netherlands' leading position in global horticulture."
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