Grower can develop roadmap to fossil-free with Kas Energiewijzer

Grower can develop roadmap to fossil-free with Kas Energiewijzer
Photo: WUR

The use of fossil fuels in greenhouse horticulture will continue to decrease until the sector is ultimately fossil-free. But greenhouses still need to be heated. This means that growers must use energy-saving measures and alternative fuels. The Greenhouse Horticulture Business Unit of Wageningen University & Research therefore developed the Greenhouse Energy Guide. Researcher Gert-Jan Swinkels: “With the Greenhouse Energy Guide, every grower can develop his own roadmap to fossil-free cultivation.”

A grower can choose from many different energy installations (such as cogeneration, mechanical cooling, forced ventilation and pad & fan for warm regions). In addition, there are many possible greenhouse covering materials and many sustainable energy sources (such as the heat pump, geothermal energy, biomass, wind turbines and batteries).

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