Training and tools to save water in the greenhouse

Training and tools to save water in the greenhouse
Spring Meadow Nursery in Grand Haven, MI, uses flood floors to avoid water waste. Photo: Spring Meadow Nursery

Reduce water use. Don’t waste water. It’s become a mantra. Wise water use is a key element of sustainability, both environmentally and economically. Overwatering and water waste can greatly impact the bottom line, not just from a plant health perspective but also by increasing operating expenses. Training your team, using the right systems and tools, and developing a robust maintenance program can alleviate water waste issues.

Watering can seem simple, but it isn’t, and newly hired staff can have a steep learning curve. “I think any experienced grower would tell you that it’s one of the hardest things to teach other people — how to water plants properly,” says Dave Joeright, Growing Manager at Spring Meadow Nursery in Grand Haven, MI.

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