10 steps to growing cannabis seedlings

10 steps to growing cannabis seedlings

With spring fast approaching, many cannabis cultivators will be sowing seeds to get a jump start on the growing season. Those precious weeks between seed germination and planting out or potting up are critical to ensuring a healthy and efficient crop.

Oversights during this production stage can have expensive ramifications for a cannabis cultivation business. Weak, spindly cannabis seedlings are more prone to crop problems and cost much more to grow than strong, stalky seedlings.

Start the growing season off right with these 10 tips for producing sensational cannabis seedlings.

#1: Start With Healthy Seeds

Cannabis seeds come in various sizes and colors, and it’s impossible to guess which are the most viable. Small, white, or green seeds sometimes germinate, but if you have the luxury of selecting from a sizable lot, go for dark, plump seeds with distinct “tiger stripes.” They won’t disappoint.

#2: Select a Germination Method

There are several ways to germinate cannabis seeds successfully. Home growers often use wet paper towels or individually sow seeds into small pots. Commercial growers typically sow into 50- or 72-count plug trays and place them into germination chambers or under constant mist in a greenhouse. Indoors, growers simply use the same propagation room as they do for rooting cuttings.

#3: Keep Moisture and Temperature On-Point

Cannabis seeds require 100% moisture and warm temperatures to germinate. Aim for 85°F until the seeds crack or emerge from the soil, and then slowly shift to 75°F to 78°F to begin growing. Be cautious when removing germinated seeds from wet paper towels, as they are in the most fragile state of their life cycle. Use tweezers and a gentle hand.

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