Test, then invest; piloting your vertical farm

Test, then invest; piloting your vertical farm

A pilot vertical farm is a small-scale version of your future farm that enables you to apply your research, make mistakes, and play around without the higher risk of jumping straight into a full commercial business.

In this blog, we’ll talk about why you should start a test system, what you’ll learn in the process, and the best way to get started today

Ready, set…go slow!

If you’re reading this blog, then you’ve likely been toying with the idea of starting a controlled environment agriculture (CEA) business or non-profit for food security. Scrolling through the media, you will see success stories and many documenting failures and closures.

Despite the passion and best efforts to make change for good, we have seen many entrepreneurs and founders fail in this sector for these three main reasons.

  1. They didn’t assess their market
  2. They tried to finance too large of a project before they had any hydroponic growing experience.
  3. And they didn’t understand how to optimize crop growth within their indoor space.

A pilot system is a low-cost way to help you to address these challenges before launching your business.

At the core of all of our systems is the ZipGrow Tower; only the housing and the scale change. So think of this as learning with “training wheels’, and then scale up when you are ready to get serious about growing fresh food fast and in full production.

Five reasons you need a test vertical farm

Gathering knowledge is only half the battle. You learn the most valuable lessons by applying that knowledge in tangible, practical ways. 

Workshops, courses, blog posts, ebooks, and videos provide a wealth of information. They are crucial for future farmers to use, but at the end of the day, it’s the practical application of what you learn that counts. 

Continue reading.

Photo: ZipGrow

